Current Officers 


Jehmal Hudson
Virginia Corporation Commission

Dennis P. Deters photo

First Vice President
Dennis Deters
Public Utilities  Commission of Ohio



Second Vice President
Laura Nichols-Samms
Virgin Islands Public Service Commission

Kim Drexler
Delaware Public Service Commission


The purpose of MACRUC shall be to promote the region-wide advancement of public utility regulation and the related regulatory, legislative, and policy interests of MACRUC membership, consistent with MACRUC member state public utility commissions, through:

  • The study, discussion, and advancement of issues in public utility regulation that affect consumers, regulatory commissions, other states and federal agencies, and the electric, telecommunications, natural gas, and other industries regulated by member states;
  • Advancement of the public interest to ensure that consumers remain protected from market power abuses and benefit from the competition where applicable and consistent with state law.
  • Exchange of information regarding the regulatory, policy, and administrative issues between MACRUC and other regional state public utility commissions, and between MACRUC and federal regulatory commissions and departments represented in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (“NARUC”).


  • Resolution Supporting a Regional Forum to Develop Common Protocols to Measure, Verify and Report Demand Resource Savings in Collaboration with Northeast States here
    Adopted July, 2008
  • Resolution of the MACRUC Telecommunications Staff Committee To Honor Our Founding Chair, Colleague and Friend, Ms. Constance Welde, Delaware Public Service Commission here
    Adopted December, 2007
  • Resolution of the MACRUC Telecommunications Staff Committee To Honor Our Friend and Colleague Carl Johnson here
    Adopted December, 2007
  • Resolution in Honor of John Levin Chair of the MACRUC Staff Energy Subcommittee here
    Adopted February, 2007
  • Resolution Honoring Claude M. Ligon of Maryland here
    Adopted February, 2003
  • Resolution Honoring Commissioner Neal Galvin here