We have applied to the states listed below for CLE credit hours. If and when approved for  Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for the 29th  Annual Education Conference the hours will be listed below.


State General Credits Ethics Credits
Kentucky 11.75 APPROVED N/A
New York 11.5 APPROVED N/A
Ohio 11.5 APPROVED N/A
Pennsylvania 11.5  APPROVED N/A
North Carolina 11.5 APPROVED N/A

Please take note of the following information:

When offering CLE credits, MACRUC abides by the rules and regulations of all applicable professional accrediting boards and agencies. MACRUC will not provide CLE credit for attendees who do not sign in to verify participation.

We are accredited to provide Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Attorneys are required to sign in once at the registration desk to confirm their participation. Please provide your bar number when signing in. Certificates of participation will be sent by email no later than July 31. MACRUC will only submit the credit hours to the approved states for those who have signed in.

If you intend to seek accreditation in a state that is not listed, it is your responsibility to gather handouts, or any other necessary information required by that state’s accreditation board for individual submission.